October 1861 England. Harriet and Matthew Rowsley the housekeeper and estate manager of Thorncroft H..
1898. Quinn Le Blanc London's most talented con woman has five days to pull off the seemingly imposs..
August 1558. As London is bustling with growing trade from foreign lands and Queen Mary's health is ..
March 1605. Country doctor and former ship surgeon Gabriel Taverner is ready for his next adventure...
Bombay 1951. A political rally ends in tragedy when India's first female police detective Persis Wad..
Salonica Greece 1976. Hellenic Gendarme Major Mikhail Remis is a man in demand. A dark soul with a f..
Paris 1933. Two days before Christmas the express train to Strasbourg crashes into a local train in ..
Sunday morning and the body of Reverend Villiers has been found propped up on the vigil seat in the ..
A house full of academics should imply calm and quiet but much to housekeeper Harriet Rowsley's dism..
Cambridge UK 1947. Martin Friedrich a German philosopher is cycling through an intersection on his w..
1933. An odd group gathers for an English country house weekend party: a sickly host a disgraced soc..
In the shadow of Lewes castle lies buried an ancient tablet. Hours after discovering it dashing loca..
It is the year 1715 and Thomas True has arrived on old London Bridge with a dangerous secret. One ni..
August 1940. On the streets of London locals watch with growing concern as German fighter planes pla..
Bombay 1949. As India celebrates the arrival of a momentous new decade Inspector Persis Wadia stands..