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Don't Be Sorry

Sarah Roberts / Sarah Roberts
Sarah's first book For the Love of Oscar tells the story of her first child Oscar's birth his postnatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome and his adventures up to the age of four. Don’t Be Sorry continues Oscar's story from age four to nine.It covers Oscar's life in a local mainstream infant school with all its challenges and triumphs including friendships and how the other children respond to Oscar. Sarah describes her struggles navigating medical appointments and hospital admissions all the while maintaining her mission gently to educate others. There are many preconceived ideas and misconceptions about what it means to have a child like Oscar in one's life.Sarah's story is one for any parent; it is not just about the highs and lows of having a child with additional needs but also simply as a mum of three. She talks candidly about coming to terms with the decision to move Oscar to a SEN (Special Educational Needs) school another big milestone in Oscar's young life.Whilst Sarah may have found herself on a different path to the one she'd imagined for herself it has not been a bad one. There is sadness certainly; and there have been struggles along the way; but there has been so much laughter and happiness too.

  • Published by Boldwood
  • Fiction/Non-FictionNon Fiction
  • Genre Autobiography
  • Target Audience Adult
  • Released 18th August 2022
  • Duration 06 Hrs. 00 Mins.
  • ISBN 9781802470758